As great as the firestick remote is with its unique design and solid build, sometimes as a firestick user you may run into issues if some of the buttons or the remote stops working.
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This can be very frustrating especially when buttons such as the volume buttons become unresponsive but in this article we have you covered as we will teach you how to fix firestick remote volume buttons not working.
What Causes The Firestick Volume Buttons To Stop Working
The Amazon Firestick volume buttons can stop working if you are using a mismatched audio setting, device settings mismatch, battery issues, or incorrect HDMI port.
Unfortunately fixing the volume buttons not working on your firestick becomes more of a troubleshooting scenario where you need to run through some of the steps we mention below so you can pinpoint the problem and resolve it.
How To Troubleshoot Amazon Firestick Volume Buttons Not Working
Make sure you are using one of the newer generation firesticks where the remote has volume buttons. If the firesticks remote is missing the volume buttons you have an older generation firestick and will need to use your TV remote to control the volume.
Replace The Batteries
It’s always wise to change the batteries as the first step just to be certain it’s not a battery issue.
This is a step we do ourselves whenever we encounter a firestick remote issue as it’s easy enough to do and can fix the occasional remote issue.
Checking And Removing Dust From The Firestick Remote
Sometimes after some usage of the firestick remote dust starts to build up and can work its way underneath some of the buttons which can cause them to malfunction or become somewhat stiff.
So it’s always a good idea to clean the remote by wiping it with a cloth and some cleaning solution to keep the dust to a minimal level.
If you are having issues with the volume buttons on your firestick then be sure to wipe it down to eliminate the problem, then move on to the next troubleshooting tip.
Make Sure Nothing Is Blocking The IR Receiver
Now we are getting into the non-physical aspect of troubleshooting the firestick volume button issues.
The Amazon Firestick works via Bluetooth and sometimes you may have obstacles that can either be messing with the frequency which is stopping the remote from working or you may have obstacles blocking the way or stealing the remote signal.
To fix this make sure there are no obstacles in the way between the remote and the firestick also unplug anything else around the firestick which could be interfering with the remote signal. i.e (soundbars, home theater systems, etc)
When you are sure there is nothing that can be blocking and interfering with the remote signal then you can go into the Bluetooth settings on the firestick and unpair anything that is connected via Bluetooth.
This will make sure just the firestick remote is working on the Bluetooth network to avoid anything else causing interference.
Setting Up IR
A bonus with the newer generation of firesticks is Amazon made it easy for the firestick remote to link up to most TVs and control the volume of them and even power them on and off.
Normally this great feature sets itself up automatically but sometimes it can disconnect by itself meaning you need to set up IR (infrared) again with your TV.
To set up IR follow the below.
- From the firestick home screen choose Settings
- Now choose “Equipment Control”
- Select Manage Equipment
- Choose TV
- Select Infrared Options
- Click on IR Profile
- Choose Change IR
- Change the setting from All Devices to your specific IR profile.
Doing the above steps should resolve the volume buttons not working on your firestick.
Enabling HDMI-CEC Port
Many of the newer Smart TVs come with an HDMI port that is HDMI-CEC activated meaning you can use other remotes to control your TV and power it off and on.
The firestick remote has this capability but you must make sure the firestick is plugged into the HDMI-CEC port which normally the HDMI port will be labeled HDMI-CEC so make sure you plug your firestick in into this input.
Finally, you must make sure the HDMI-CEC setting is enabled inside the firesticks configuration. To do this follow the below steps.
- From the firestick home screen choose “Settings”
- Now select “Display and Settings”
- Click on the “HDMI CEC Device Control” setting which will turn it to ON
After you have completed the above check if the volume buttons are now working on your remote.
If you have tried all the above and still the volume buttons are not working it’s always best to reset the firestick remote completely.
Resetting The Firestick Remote
This is a good method if you have others in your home who use the firestick who may have changed some advanced settings on the firestick which has caused you some remote control issues.
- Unplug the power cable from the firestick
- Now press the “Left Button + Menu Button + Back button” all at the same time for 40 seconds
- After holding the buttons down for 40 seconds let go of the buttons
- Now take out the batteries from the firestick
- Plug the power cable back into the firestick
- Insert the batteries back into the firestick remote
- Press the home button on the firestick remote for the firestick to register the remote
If you have followed the above and the remote is not being seen you can pair the firestick manually by simply holding down the “Home Button” for 10 seconds until the lights start blinking on the firestick remote.
You will receive a notification to tell you the firestick remote has been paired successfully.
Now if the volume buttons are physically damaged and you have not got a replacement remote yet we are going to cover 2 methods where you can still control the firestick and the volume without a firestick remote.
Use Alexa To Control The Volume
Where the microphone button is at the very top of the remote you can press and hold the button down then say “Alexa, turn up the volume” or “Alexa, turn down the volume”.
This is a good way to volume control your firestick if the volume buttons are broken.
Use The Amazon Fire TV Remote App
If your remote has decided it doesn’t want to work or has been damaged and you need a way to control the firestick then there is an official iOS/Android app you can download from your smartphone app store called “Amazon Fire TV”.
- Make sure your firestick is turned on
- On your Smartphone go to your app store and search for “Amazon Fire TV”
- Once the app has been downloaded sign into it with your Amazon username and password
- Now select your firestick from the list of devices
- Enter the 4 digit code which appears on your TV screen into the Amazon Fire TV app
Now you will have an app that can control the firestick and its volume but also quickly open apps and much more functions so it’s always a good idea to keep this app installed on your smartphone at all times.
We have covered how to fix firestick remote volume not working and given many troubleshooting tips and tricks for you to resolve any firestick remote problem with ease.
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