How to Install OLA TV Apk on Firestick

Table des matières

Ola TV APK is a very good streaming app that offers over 12,000 live TV channels you can enjoy for free.

With Ola TV being a free IPTV app where you can access thousands of IPTV streams it’s nowhere as good as a real IPTV Online provider such as Strong IPTV where all streaming links just work and are buffer-free.

OLA TV APK is designed by the team over at IPTV Droid who are also quick to fix any bugs and update servers to make sure the live streams are always up and running.

One of the main advantages to using Ola TV compared to other free live streaming apps such as TVTap is the ability to switch to other server streams if the current stream link you watching goes down or is not the best quality stream.

What Is The OLA TV APK

Ola TV APK is an app that works on firesticks and android devices giving you access to a range of free tv channels spanning across a range of different genres from Sports, Movies, Entertainment, and more.

The OLA TV APK can work across multiple devices such as Amazon firestick, Fire TV, Windows PC, Androids, and many more devices that Android apps run on.

The APK also offers many movies and TV series as well as live TV channels. Ola TV currently has more Movies and TV Shows than some other leading free movie apps such as Cinema HD, CyberFlix, and FilmPlus+.

Features Of Ola TV

  • Great looking interface and easy to navigate
  • Over 12,000 live TV channels
  • Many categories to choose from
  • Also includes Movies and TV Shows
  • Works on many different Android-based devices
  • Covers many worldwide countries’ TV channels

How To Download And Install Ola TV APK On A Firestick

If you have installed third-party apps to your firestick before this should be a straightforward process for you and even if you have not before it’s only a 5-minute process.

First, you must make sure a setting inside Developer options is turned ON so to do this follow the below steps.

  1. Depuis l'écran d'accueil de Firestick, choisissez paramètres (petit rouage de réglages)
  2. Sélectionner Ma Fire TV ou Dispositif
  3. Cliquez sur Options pour les développeurs
  4. Sélectionner Applications provenant de sources inconnues
  5. Assurez-vous de choisir ON
  6. Cliquez sur Allumer sur la boîte de notification de confirmation

Once you have completed the above you will need to use an app called “Downloader” which will help with downloading and installing the OLA TV APK.

  1. Depuis l'écran d'accueil de Firestick, choisissez Trouver
  2. Tapez maintenant le mot Téléchargeur et cliquez sur l'icône orange
  3. Choisir Télécharger pour commencer à télécharger l'application

Now it’s time to install the Ola TV apk using the Downloader app you have just installed.

  1. Ouvrez l'application de téléchargement
  2. Tapez cette adresse URL https://bit.ly/3axxp3p puis cliquez sur Aller
  3. The app will start downloading and bring a pop-up box up once downloaded
  4. Cliquez maintenant sur Installer lorsque vous voyez la fenêtre contextuelle d'installation apparaître
  5. Une fois l'installation terminée, cliquez sur Terminé
  6. Supprimez maintenant l'APK pour économiser de l'espace sur votre Firestick
  7. Cliquez à nouveau sur Supprimer

That’s it you have downloaded and installed the Ola TV app so you can go into the “My Apps” section of the firestick and click on its icon to open Ola TV.

Once you open Ola TV it may tell you that an update is available if it does then choose yes and install the new update and allow Ola TV to re-open.

How To Use Ola TV On Firestick

Before you start using Ola TV APK you will notice the app has not been made to work natively with the firestick so you will need to use an app called mouse toggle to control the app once inside.

Vous pouvez consulter notre guide sur How To Add Mouse Toggle To Your Firestick. Once you have added the mouse toggle application you can go back to Ola TV and open it.

  1. Once the Ola TV APK has opened try clicking on a stream
  2. You will see a pop-up asking to install Ludio player so choose the option to “Direct Download For Android TV And Firestick TV”
  3. Allow the player to download
  4. Choose Install and wait for the player to install then click Done
  5. Now choose a stream and it will ask you to install KShaw so choose direct download for android TV and firestick TV again
  6. Then click on Install once finished click Done
  7. You can choose any number on the screens such as 1800 and it will take you to a new screen where you can choose your country’s TV channels
  8. Now simply choose a live TV channel and it will start playing if the stream link is good

That’s it you now have access to thousands of live TV channels for free using the Ola TV apk on your firestick.

Use A VPN With Ola TV

You must use a VPN when using Ola TV this is because sometimes certain government agencies can be tracking the IP addresses of some channels and can pass your IP address onto your ISP (internet service provider) where they can act on any copyright infringement you may have committed.

This is why it’s important to use a VPN and avoid this and stream and watch TV channels safely when it comes to free streaming. The VPN we recommend is below as it is the fastest VPN for the firestick and the most private.

Click the image above to save 82% OFF and use the VPN right away to protect your identity and data while using these free streaming firestick apps.

Dernières pensées

While Ola TV APK is a free IPTV app giving you access to thousands of live TV channels it’s nowhere near as good as using a real IPTV provider such as Strong IPTV where all streams work and are freeze free.

Si ce guide vous a aidé, assurez-vous de le partager.


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