Pay Strong IPTV Using MoonPay

Table of Contents

This article will explain how you can pay for your Strong IPTV order using the new revolutionary payment system called MoonPay which leads the way for websites such as IPTV to take payments in 2024.

Please note: Remember as with all our payment methods we have a 5-day money back refund guarantee.

Ok with MoonPay being a banking digital app, you will need to have your ID ready to verify your Moonpay account when setting it up but it’s very fast to open the account.

You can use the Official Website of Moonpay or their iOS or Android app from your app store.

We are still making a photo walkthrough guide which will be completed later today and put under the videos below but for now you can use the videos below to sign up and verify your MoonPay account.

Once you have a Moonpay account you will need to send your order amount in GBP via bitcoin to the Bitcoin address we send you.

Please see below the videos we have made a step-by-step walkthrough guide for you, especially for anyone from the UK. The below videos are just an overview of this great payment system.

Opening a MoonPay Account

Verifying Your MoonPay Account With ID And Selfie

How To Send Bitcoin From Your MoonPay To Strong IPTV

When you click on the external wallet address you will enter the special address we give you in the email to send to.

If you’re from the UK there may be extra questions asked when signing up so be sure to follow the below steps shortly once we add them below.

How To Set Up A MoonPay And Use To Pay Orders With

Ok, this is a step-by-step walkthrough on how you can create a monopay account and then pay for your order with not only IPTV but other places online while keeping your card details secure and your privacy.

Please note: Once you have set up the MoonPay account you can download their app from your app store and then it’s very easy to pay for any new orders you make with us or any other online store in the future.

1. Go to MoonPay then enter the amount of your order.

Please note: You will need to order 3 months or above from us as the minimum amount to add to your MoonPay account is $45. If you are just ordering one month then use another payment method for your order.

Make sure to choose SOL – Solana as the payment method.

1. Enter amount into moonpay

Simply enter the amount in USD above of your order amount and change the coin to Make sure to SOL – Solana.

2. You will be shown the amount again, simply click on continue.

paying using moonpay and sol

3. Now enter your email in. You can also use your Google account or Apple account to sign up with.

3. enter your email in

4. You will be sent an email with a code to the email you used to sign up with or to your Google or Apple account.

4. Enter email code in

5. You will see a code from an email that looks like the one below copy the code and go back to MoonPay and enter the code in.

5. see the code in your email

6. Now you will need to verify your account like any other digital banking app so have either your driving licence or passport ready.

6. add id takes 2 minutes

7. Choose what ID you are verifying with depending on your country.

7. choose your id type

8. Click on upload then you can choose camera and take a photo of your ID and make sure the ID is in full view and not just half the page if using a passport. If you have your ID already saved in your smartphone you can upload it from your media.

8. upload id or take photo

9. Once you have uploaded your ID and done a quick selfie to prove it’s you then click Next. The ID verification takes around 2 minutes as the MoonPay team is excellent.

9. Once finished choose submit

10. If you are based in the UK or some other EU countries you will need to fill out a quick questionnaire just follow from the next step and copy what we have put.

10. Start questionaire

11. Choose everyday investor then click on I’m an everyday investor.

11. choose everday investor

12. You will see 2 new pages where it asks you to enter a %, just enter 5 or any number between 1 and 10.

12. choose 5 percent on both screens

13. Simply click on Confirm.

13. click confirm

14. Click get started this will be the start of the questionnaire.

14. choose get started

15. For question 1 just put the below answer

15. question 1

16. For question 2 put the below answer

16. question 2

17. For question 3 put the below answer

17. question 3

18. For question 4 put the below answer

18. question 4

19. For question 5 put the below answer

19. question 5

20. Thats it the questionnaire is now completed.

20. Pass questionaire 1

21. Click on “use an existing wallet” or if you do not see this enter the special address we sent you in the email. The address will start like this 3zRzY????????????.

21. Enter sol address

22. You will copy and paste the special address below then click continue, and now tick both the tick boxes, and click on continue.

22. tick boxes then continue

23. With MoonPay being a great way to pay, they offer either paying by credit/debit card, digital bank such as Revolut, or even faster bank transfer so click on paying with and choose how you want to pay.

23. Choose payment method

24. You can choose a debit or credit card to pay with, which is fast and easy and will help for any future orders you need to pay for from us.

24. Choose payment type 1

25. Now enter your debit card details in if paying via card.

25. Enter your card details in

26. Now scroll down and click on Pay you only need to tick the last box checkbox.

26.1 clicking continue on sol moonpay

27. Now you may or may not be asked this question below if you are asked this simply click inside the tick box and then click on continue.

24. do you own this wallet

28. Now you will need to do the 3D secure on your debit/credit card and once done the payment will be sent to us.

28.1 Processing moonpay payment
28.2 doing 3D secure

29. That’s it, you have now paid us, so send us an email to let us know as this will speed up the process of us seeing the payment normally it takes roughly 15 minutes if you email to let us know you have paid if not maybe takes 30 minutes for out ream to see the payment.

26. payment complete

See How To Pay For Your Strong IPTV Order Using SOL (Solana).

You have now completed the payment and the good thing is you can now use this payment with us for all future orders or try our other payment system AirTM.

It’s 2024 and we welcome these new payment methods when it comes to IPTV in keeping your data and privacy secure over using methods such as Paypal and Stripe.

Please note: Remember as with all our payment methods we have a 5-day money-back refund guarantee.


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