Some of you may have noticed your firestick can get surprisingly hot if you have ever felt it or it may have started to get issues from overheating well this guide will teach you how you can cool down your overheating firestick.
If you have noticed your firestick overheating and getting hot we presume you have found this guide and you won’t be the first one either as an overheating firestick seems common with many complaints across the internet from Reddit to forums about this.
If you do not fix the overheating firestick then you are at risk of the heat doing permanent damage to your firestick which cant be reversed which can give you bad performances from the firestick so it’s always best to fix it before the issue gets out of hand.
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Firestick Overheating Fixes
Below we will run through some solutions for your overheating firestick which will help cool down the firestick quite fast and avoid any permanent damage to it
1. Use Your TV HDMI Side Panel
Sometimes your LCD TV can generate a lot of heat if it is mounted on the wall or very close to the wall. This can be the reason why your firestick gets hot.
So it’s best to use the side HDMI socket on your TV if it has one to avoid all the heat from the back of the TV making the firestick overheat.
2. Use The HDMI Extender
You may be wondering what was that little black box with a HDMI lead coming off it that came in the firesticks box when you purchased it. Don’t worry we thought the same too.
But this little box is actually an HDMI extender its job is to give you some breathing room so you don’t have to directly plug the firestick directly into the TV’s HDMI socket.
This will help with any heat issues your firestick is having as it will give it the ventilation it needs and also it will help with a stronger WiFi connection too as it will receive a touch better signal from the router due to the breathing space.
If you have your TV close to the wall or mounted we advise using this HDMI extender to give the firestick a better chance of staying cool and not overheating.
3. Clear The Firestick Cache
If you have tried the above fixes to stop the firestick from getting hot and you’re still having a problem it’s time to look away from it being a physical issue and more a software problem.
The way the amazon OS software can cause an issue is due to downloading big apps which then need a lot of storage which in turn can take a lot of cache up which can take more memory temporarily.
Some of the culprits of taking up a lot of cache storage on your firestick are apps such as Kodi and other streaming-based apps.
So make sure to clear the firestick cache by following the below steps:
- From the firestick home page choose settings
- Now go into Applications
- Then into Manage Installed Apps
- Now choose the streaming app or large app such as Kodi
- Choose ONLY clear cache because if you choose clear Data you will lose all the app data you have
Once you have done the above this will free up a lot of space on the firestick which should also cool it down if it was running hot.
Zobacz nasz przewodnik na temat how to delete downloaded files on a firestick
4. Force Close All Applications On The Firestick
Sometimes many apps can still run in the background when you exit the app which can cause the RAM to run high and also can be a reason your firestick gets hot.
Sometimes not only does the firestick get hot but you will also notice apps freezing and the firestick seems sluggish as you are trying to navigate the interface.
So to force close all apps to stop them running up ram and consuming performance which id overheating the firestick you will need to follow the below.
- From the firestick home screen choose settings
- Now choose Applications
- Click Manage installed applications
- Now click each app starting with the big apps
- Wybierz Wymuś zatrzymanie
The goal with the above is to ideally force close all apps so no apps are running in the background and the firestick can breathe again performance-wise.
5. Unplug Your Firestick To Hard Reset The Cache
This is a sure way to refresh your firestick by unplugging the power and waiting around 5 minutes before you turn it back on.
Now after you have waited 5 minutes you can plug your firestick power back in and this should have fixed any overheating issues.
6. Uninstall Apps To Free Up Space
This is always a wise thing to do for the firesticks maintenance as it will keep a lot of space free and stop you from using much of the storage on the firestick which then the cache can build and have the firestick at 100% storage which is never good.
To uninstall apps you don’t use on your firestick you can follow the below steps
- From the firestick home screen choose Settings
- Go inside applications
- Choose manage installed applications
- Pick the app you choose to uninstall
- Choose uninstall
- Select uninstall when you see the notice “are you sure”
7. Delete Sideloaded Apps After Installed
You may have sideloaded apps on your firestick using the app Downloader or other ways but after you have downloaded and installed them the actual download file will remain on your firestick.
These apps can be apps you installed such as cinemaHD, Kodi, IPTV apps which you have sideloaded on. So this won’t uninstall the app but just the installation APK you have downloaded and left on the firestick.
To uninstall apk’s you may have left on after installation of the apps you will need to use the downloader app which you can search on the firestick the word “Downloader” and simply download and install it.
- Otwórz aplikację Pobieracz
- Go to Files
- You will see all apps you have downloaded and installed
- Click on each app then and choose Delete
- You will see a notice box choose “delete” again
8. Factory Reset The Firestick
If you have tried all the above and nothing has worked to keep your firestick cool then the last option is to factory reset the firestick.
This will wipe everything on your firestick and put it back to brand new as if you have just purchased it from a shop.
Keep in mind once you do this you will need to install everything back on the firestick once you have reset your firestick.
To reset your firestick follow the below steps:
- From the firestick home screen choose Settings
- Now choose My Fire TV
- Select Reset to Factory Defaults
- Choose Reset when notice box appears
That’s it now just allow the firestick a few minutes and your firestick will be like new again and would have fixed any overheating problems you were having if it was based on the firesticks software.
You should now be armed with all the solutions to fix an overheating firestick but most won’t overheat as they are designed not to but seeing complaints online about this is an issue that can affect your firestick.
If these solutions have helped fix your firestick overheating then be sure to give this guide a share.