If you have Kodi and are looking for a third-party Kodi addon for Arabic TV then we have the perfect guide on how to install Kodi Arabic repo so you can enjoy Arabic TV.
We suggest you get the best iptv provider service which includes thousands of Arabic live streams and content as it’s much better than any Kodi plugin and everything works like it should and many HD channels too.
First, you will need to download and install the latest Kodi build for your IPTV device or laptop. You can download the latest Kodi build for your device here https://kodi.tv/download/
Once you have Kodi it’s time to download the Arab repo.
Warning: When using any type of third-party Kodi plugin you will want to stay protected so your IP address doesn’t leak and get in the wrong hands. We suggest using the VPN below and save a massive 82% off. It’s one of the best VPNs for Kodi and works on any device.
Dostwać Arabic IPTV Channels Teraz.
How To Download And Install The Kodi Arabic Repo
The first thing you should do with your new Kodi is to make sure the enable apps from unknown sources is enabled, to do this follow the below steps:
- Wewnątrz Kodi na ekranie głównym wybierz Ikona ustawień
- Teraz wybierz Ustawienia systemowe/System z listy ikon
- Wybierać Dodatki
- Kliknij Nieznane źródła aby przełączyć na NA
- W wyskakującym oknie potwierdzenia wybierz Tak
Once the above has been completed you will be able to download and install any third-party Kodi add-on you want without running into any issues.
See How To Get The Best IPTV Arabic Channels On Your Device.
Widzieć How To Install IPTV On Any Kodi Build
The next step you will need to do is download the actual Arabic Kodi Repo and install as a zip folder inside Kodi to do this follow the below steps:
- From the Ekran główny Kodi wybór Ustawienia (small cog icon)
- Kliknij w Menedżer plików
- Wybierać Dodaj źródło następnie kliknij na <None>
- Enter this URL in https://tinyurl.com/arabickodirepo
- Teraz Kliknij OK
- Enter any name you want such as Arabic Repo następnie Kliknij OK
- Head back to the Kodi home page
- Kliknij Dodatki
- Select the package icon in the top left-hand corner of the screen
- Wybierać Zainstaluj z folderu zip
- Przejdź do Arabic Kodi Repo or whatever you named it in the previous steps
- Now Kodi will install the Repo so wait until you see a notification pop up
- Teraz wybierz Zainstaluj z repozytorium
- Click on the repo you have just downloaded
- Teraz przejdź do Dodatki wideo i wybierz Arabic Kodi Repo
- Wybierz Ikona instalacji at the bottom right-hand corner of the screen
- Wait until you see add-on installed
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That’s it you have now installed the Arabic add-on for Kodi so you can enjoy all the content it comes with but remember you must use a VPN to protect your IP address and identity.
Zobacz, jak to zrobić Install Dominus Kodi Build Firestick
There you have it, how to install the Kodi Arabic repo and add-on. We highly suggest you use IPTV for Arabic live tv and movies as it’s much better than using Kodi for any live streaming.